Saturday, 31 January 2015

It has been a long while...

Ever since we took over this premise, I have not actively done much for the Gallery. Apart from getting Pepper's works in and done a numbers of drawings myself, I haven't done much at all. A decision was made whether NOW or NEVER. We have spent so much on the renovations and had so many plans for it. Yet I was constantly in my CLOUD 9…daydreaming for sales to happen when I don't even move.
It is honestly painful to see so many works needed to be done and I am not doing anything about it. Day in day out, I have all my tasks piling up…numbers to watch and accounts to follow through. It wasn’t not all lost. But sometimes I feel as if I was running away. I honestly have shouldered a little too much. But these are responsibilities. I just have to face them, be strong and get one thing done at a time.
Finally, a few days ago, I decided to move my workstation to the gallery. I think in order for an art gallery works, I need to actively gather database and contacts. Meet people. Talk to people. Be around and everywhere. My focus for 2015 will be 60% for my Agency work and 40% for my Gallery. I will be around for the agency management; it’s just that I have decided to sit downstairs in order to get connected to the Gallery side. So this shall be it.
I think for a longest time, I have put my focus on different areas. Trying so hard to balance up everything. I decided to give up on relationship for now…the more I want it, I believe the more I won’t have it. So I guess I just have to be cool about it and get busy on other stuff. That's all. Another 1 more day is February…and another few more days I will be 39. This shall be my last year being in my 30s…next year I will be in my 40s. I better make things work. Otherwise, I will be sitting here thinking what have I done? Wasting precious time…and its ticking away

Saturday, 3 January 2015


Amazingly 2014 ended like this and here comes 2015...

Often I would conclude my year with a list of achievements that I have accomplished and put a new list of challenges for the new year. Ironically 2014 is one year that I have accomplished most unfortunately I also hate most. 3 aircraft mishaps which once made flying one of the safest modes to travel become the most dangerous now. 2014 has also marked a milestone on a personal level that I drew for 1 sustainability report and 1 calendar. I also managed to finally own an art gallery, a restaurant and finally moved my agency next to the restaurant which seriously brought a lot of conveniences to many. I managed to also eat healthy. Go back onto exercising and successfully shed off 6kg of fats. It was hard work however definitely worth it. I have made running as part of my lifestyle which I am planning to keep for a long time. Most of all, one painful decision I have made was to ditch my ex boyfriend of 5 years and moved on strong. Honestly till now, not a single tear shed. I told myself not to cry over a person like that. I told myself that I deserve someone better. Yes! Someone who admires me and loves me for who I am. Tired of all that chasing...chasing a false hope and silly dream. I have learnt to be strong. Taking good care of my own. Cherished people around me especially my parents. Never shy to tell them how much I love them and obeying them like a 3 years old even though I am now in my late 30s. Appreciate. Grateful. Cherished.

2015, ditched those whom I need to pursue. Ditched people whom I have tried so hard and yet never include me in any of their plan and treated me as a "By The Way!" Ditched shit who tell me I will get hurt eventually if I am with them. Honestly, what is HURT after all hahah...I need to find myself. Love myself more. Guard my heart. I have been a stupid girl and can't be stupid forever. I should be surrounded by people who love me and care for me. No doubt I long to have a companion in who is willing to include me in all his plan. One who shares his thoughts and take me as someone whom he respects and look upon. I am still waiting for that person to come into my life. So 2015, my objective is simple Love myself more and be bloody selfish!...